
The Governing Body is made up of parents, staff representatives and other co-opted members who have experience of education or have other skills that enable them to ask relevant questions and hold the school to account. The role of the governors is to challenge staff to ensure that each child receives an excellent education.  

There are three Governing Body meetings each term. One meeting is a full Governing Body meeting when all governors meet. The other two are committee meetings. The Resources Committee examines and agrees the school's spending plan and financial procedures. The Enjoy and Achieve Committee reviews all aspects of teaching and learning, pupil progress and achievement, pupil well-being, attendance and behaviour. The Chair of each of these committees feeds back essential information and key actions to the full Governing Body so that any decisions can be agreed and ratified by all governors.


Our Governors

Mrs B Kinch                      Chair of Governors and Chair of Enjoy & Achieve Committee

Mr J Battle                        Vice Chair of Governors and Chair of Resources Committee 

Mrs H Southern               Co-opted Governor

Mr M Cowieson               Co-opted Governor

Mrs V Prempeh                Parent Governor

Ms Z Al-Asadi                   Parent Governor

Miss K Mehaffy                Staff Governor





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Park View

Community School

Think You Know Ruth Miskin PSQM Unicef Ceop Ofsted Reading Award Log On To Letter-join healthy schools manchester 2023-24
Varley Street, Miles Platting, M40 7EJ

Mrs W Heap

0161 519 8562

Headteacher | Mrs C Hall

SEND Enquiries | Ms J Lewis

Chair of Governors | Mrs B Kinch