Attendance & Punctuality
To make sure that children enjoy school and make good progress, it is important that they attend school every day. Of course, there may be times when a child is too ill to come to school and we understand that this happens occasionally. However, we encourage parents to do their best to make sure their children attend regularly and arrive at school on time.
The school day starts at 8.50am and as soon as the bell rings at 9.00am, the register is called. Children who arrive after 9.00am will be marked late. Ideally children should be on the school premises a minute or two before doors open at 8.50am and arrive no later than a minute or two before 9.00am.
Registers are checked daily and parents who have not contacted school to let us know that their child will be absent, will receive a call from school. You will be ask why your child is absent so that the register can be updated. If school does not receive an explanation about a child's absence, then the absence will be unauthorised.
Our school attendance target is 96%. The registers are monitored each day and a more in-depth check takes place twice each half term. If your child falls below our 96% attendance target , this will trigger actions in school. To access a parent handbook that explains the main points about parental responsibility and school procedures, click on the file below.